Insurance companies frequently offer discounts and incentives to save you money, though the offers vary depending on your location and other factors. You may be familiar with home insurance discounts for having multiple policies and installing home security systems, but you may also be able to save with green home discounts that reward eco-friendly home features.
Let's look at how green home discounts work, which companies offer the best green discounts, and more.
Some insurance companies encourage sustainable building practices by providing discounts to homeowners who make certain improvements. While eco-friendly home insurance discounts aren't exactly common, it's worth asking your insurer if you qualify for one if your home has environmentally friendly features or green home upgrades.
Smaller upgrades, such as switching to smart home devices, such as a smart home water sensor, to larger ones, such as installing Energy Star-rated appliances, may qualify for a discount. Homeowners considering a total home remodel may choose to go green by adhering to reputable green home standards such as LEED, which we will discuss further below. You may be required to submit proof, such as receipts or certifications, depending on your insurer's policies.
The two most common types of green discounts you'll come across are:
If you have a LEED-certified home, you may be eligible for a 5% discount on your home insurance premium. With the national average homeowners insurance cost reported to be $1,211 per year in 2017, the most recent year for which data is available, a 5% discount equates to a $60.55 annual savings. That may not be enough to persuade you to completely remodel your home in order to obtain LEED certification, but consider how you'd save money and resources in other ways, such as lower energy costs.
Some insurance companies provide green home endorsements that do not require LEED certification. Following a covered loss, the insurance company may reimburse you for the additional cost of rebuilding your home with green materials or products. If you're interested in this type of endorsement, it's best to check your policy terms and speak with an agent about your coverage needs.
Our top three picks for home insurance companies with the best green discounts are listed below. To make this guide more useful, we narrowed our search to established national insurers and compared green home discount offerings to select our top choices.
Homeowners who already have a LEED-certified home or condo can save 5% on their home or condo insurance. Travelers also provides an optional green home coverage that assists in covering the additional cost of replacing, repairing, or rebuilding with green materials following a covered claim.
Farmers provide discounts for green certifications such as Energy Star and LEED. However, because Farmers only allows you to have one of these four discounts, you must choose between a discount for having a green certification, protective devices, home safety features, or a smart home system. It may be worthwhile to compare quotes with each discount to see which one provides the greatest savings. Farmers also provides an optional Eco-Rebuild coverage for up to $25,000 toward the cost of constructing green replacements following a covered loss.
American Family Insurance
Small eco-friendly changes can also help you save money on your homeowners insurance. If you have a smart thermostat or a smart water sensor that detects a leak or unusual water flow, American Family Insurance will give you a discount.
Greener homes are becoming more popular as a result of higher energy savings and a lower environmental impact. Green home discounts, on the other hand, may allow you to reap the benefits of lower home insurance premiums.
To get the best overall value on your policy, check with your current insurer to see if it offers any green home savings, as well as shop around and compare quotes. When weighing the potential return on your investment, consider the cost of green home improvements in relation to the savings you'll receive on your home insurance and energy bills.